PERUPETRO plays a crucial role in the supervision and execution of activities related to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in Peru. Its main function lies in the supervision of contractors' compliance with their contractual obligations. This is reflected both in the supervision of exploration activities and in the attention to requests from contractors for extensions, additional terms and contractual modifications.

The institution oversees more than 3.4 million hectares in Peruvian territory.

Income from canon and over canon for hydrocarbons was more than 13 billion dollars.
Total hydrocarbon revenues for the state were more than 58 billion dollars.
40k bpd
To date, more than 40 thousand barrels per day are being inspected in Peru.

To Improve its Auditing Activities

It was requested to implement the infrastructure of the PIPER Solutions suite of solutions: Plant Modeler, for remote transmission of hydrocarbon production monitoring data. PIPER Solutions: Plant Modeler, for the remote transmission of hydrocarbon production control data. Plant Modeler is a comprehensive system that allows the transmission, storage, management and visualization of variables from the hydrocarbon of the hydrocarbon measurement systems installed at the control points.



Challenges proposed by Perúpetro

tablet mockup with PIPER Downtimes Reports
  1. Secure and Reliable Production Data Collection:

    • Implementation of secure connections to flow computers and SCADA-type control systems to ensure the security, reliability, integrity and availability of audited hydrocarbon measurement data.
    • Use of robust and encrypted communication protocols for data transfer between acquisition systems and management software.

  2. Manual recording of information:

    • Integration of online forms to allow manual data recording in cases where there is no instrumentation in the field.
    • Validation of manually entered data to ensure accuracy and consistency with automated records.

  3. Data Historization:

    • Implementation of a historization system to securely and accessibly store all captured data, allowing for consultation and retrospective analysis at any time.
    • Assignment of accurate time stamps to each log to facilitate temporal tracking of hydrocarbon production.

  4. Data Analysis and Processing:

    • Development of algorithms and data processing tools to calculate daily, biweekly and monthly accumulations of hydrocarbon production.
    • Integration of statistical analysis functions and report generation to identify trends, anomalies and production patterns.

  5. Data download capability:

    • Implementation of data export functionalities to allow the download of information in PDF, excel or image formats for analysis outside the system.

  6. Development of Reporting Screens:

    • Design and development of 78 custom reportability screens to provide users with clear and detailed visualization of hydrocarbon production data.
    • Integration of online forms to allow anual data entry in situations where automatic data acquisition is not possible, either due to lack of instrumentation in the field or for any other reason.

Implementation of Plant Modeler infrastructure

tablet mockup with PIPER Downtimes Reports
  • Interfaces, Enterprise Forms v.2022 R2: It includes the tools for data collection from the flow computers and manual data entry.

  • Business Modeler v.2023 R1: Creation of 01 audit model where all contractors are registered with their respective lots, elements and variables (additional configuration of analysis for the required calculations and formulas).

  • Enterprise View v. 2023 R2: Report creation

